• Mindfulness: Take Control of Your Life

    Mindfulness: Take Control of Your Life

    Do you hate being alone with your thoughts? Do you get angry easily and struggle to control your emotions? Do you feel anxious all day because of a fake scenario you created in your head? These experiences are far too common, and people are claiming that mindfulness is the answer to all these problems. But what does that really mean and how can you practice mindfulness too?  What does...
  • All About Vitamin D for Vegans

    All About Vitamin D for Vegans

    You’ve probably heard plenty about Vitamin D lately – how important it is for your body, especially your immune system. As a plant-based eater, Vitamin D is up there with one of the main vitamin deficiencies that you’re susceptible to. Make sure you’re giving your body what it needs to not just survive, but to thrive! By focusing on this important vitamin, you're helping...
  • 5 Easy Ways You Can Live Sustainably

    5 Easy Ways You Can Live Sustainably

    Many of us are becoming aware of the harmful ways that humans have been living their lives. Where we source food from, our clothes and our fast food and fast fashion tendencies. It has become normal to have instant gratification, not having to wait or be mindful about how we acquire our goods. A lot of us are beginning to realise how detrimental this...
  • 5 Things You MUST KNOW Before Going Vegan

    5 Things You MUST KNOW Before Going Vegan

    Are you thinking about going vegan or plant-based? Maybe you’re not sure where to start or you’re struggling to make the first steps. Every ‘experienced’ vegan wishes they had a guidebook to show them how to begin their plant-based journey and where to go for advice. In saying that, no vegan is the same. Living a plant-based lifestyle is a choice you should be...
  • 5 Ways Your Protein Powder Will Help You Reach Your Goals

    5 Ways Your Protein Powder Will Help You Reach Your Goals

    Here at b Raw, we believe in the power of a quality protein powder. When you’re chasing your fitness goals, you need the support of a reliable nutrition program, and protein is at the top of the list when looking to build an essential supplement stack. Here are the top ways your protein will help you reach your goals! 1. Help you build muscle...
  • Why You're Not Losing Weight On Your Plant-Based Diet

    Why You're Not Losing Weight On Your Plant-Based Diet

    You've heard all these wonderful stories of people having seemingly overnight transformations when switching to a plant-based diet, but the scales won't budge for you. What gives? You're eating healthier than ever before, you feel great, and you have that happy buzz from feeling cruelty-free. However, some sneaky factors might get in the way of your weight loss efforts - make sure you don't...
  • 5 Delicious Foods For Natural Immunity Support

    5 Delicious Foods For Natural Immunity Support

    Immune support is the key to your longevity, overall health and sense of life happiness. With constant external stressors in our world, you should be prioritising foods that give your immunity the strength it needs to be at its best for optimal wellbeing. You can strengthen your body and mind’s natural resistance, just by prioritising the basics: manage your stress, get enough sleep, go out into the sun...
  • Plant-Based Pantry Staples For A Balanced-Diet

    Plant-Based Pantry Staples For A Balanced-Diet

    If you’re new to following a plant-based diet, finding balance can be a bit overwhelming. Let’s take a look at what plant-based foods you should keep in your pantry and use to create balanced and healthy meals.
  • How Gratitude Helps You Reach Your Body Goals

    How Gratitude Helps You Reach Your Body Goals

      Whether you're been chasing your fitness goals for a while, or you're just getting started, your attitude can determine your level of success. By cultivating gratitude on a daily basis, you can not only enjoy the process more, but have an extra tool to take your results that next step further! 1. Gratitude can prevent you from overeating Saying grace before meals is...
  • 7 Plant-Based Muscle-Building Foods That Athletes Love

    7 Plant-Based Muscle-Building Foods That Athletes Love

    Are you looking to improve your shape and body composition? Gaining muscle is vital.  By using a resistance training program paired with the right muscle building foods, you can start to build the body you dream of!
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